(Good Ancestor) Wisdom Walk
Three sessions special coaching package

Are you wondering what’s yours to do to mitigate the climate crisis? Do you feel unsure on what it means to be a good ancestor? Do you struggle to envision an impactful way for you to contribute to the future generations?

I would like to help you find answers to these questions with this coaching offering.

This special (Good Ancestor) Wisdom Walk coaching package will help you uncover what is most meaningful to you in these difficult and troubled times and what you can uniquely contribute to the planet and its future generations.

Benefits of the package:

  • Reflective time spent in nature, free from the external judgements and limiting constructs of your everyday world.

  • You will be guided through a powerful and time-honored practice, the Wisdom Walk (also called Medicine Walk) that is guaranteed to support you in accessing personal insights and perspectives about yourself, our world and the role you can play to make it a better place for future beings.

  • Discover your most powerful and important “good ancestor” values – we’ll work with the framework provided by Roman Krznaric in his book The Good Ancestor- A radical prescription for long-term thinking, specifically the six ways of “thinking long” he proposes: - Deep-Time Humility, - Intergenerational Justice, - Legacy Mindset, -Transcendent Goal, - Holistic Forecasting, and - Cathedral Thinking.

  • Learn how to begin to shape the future of the planet and its future beings.

  • See how you can deal with challenging situations when stepping into action as a Good Ancestor.

The Elements of the package:

An (Good Ancestor) Wisdom Walk coaching package includes:

  • A questionnaire to create focus for your walk.

  • Guidelines for your medicine walk.

  • Three one-hour+ coaching sessions with me, either in person (San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas), by phone, or via video conference

  • Audio recordings of all our sessions as applicable.

  • A summary of recommendations on how to take forward the learnings from your walk.

    (Good Ancestor) Wisdom Walks are valued at $600. This works is so meaningful to me that I gladly will offer it at a discounted rate. Please contact me.