Unfolding Cultural Transformation with Steve March, Creator of Aletheia Coaching | Founder & CEO, Aletheia Academy LLC
9:00 AM09:00

Unfolding Cultural Transformation with Steve March, Creator of Aletheia Coaching | Founder & CEO, Aletheia Academy LLC

What if cultural transformation isn’t about fixing a broken world, but about revealing the innate wholeness that is already present?

How do deep, lasting shifts in behavior and culture occur? Traditional approaches to climate activism often rely on critique of current behaviors and persuasion to adopt sustainable practices. So far, these approaches have produced mixed results at best. This session will challenge the idea that change is about fixing deficiencies through improvements. Instead, we will explore how sustainable ways of being unfold organically—just as forests regenerate and rivers carve new paths.

Join us to discover how coaching, leadership, and activism can become fertile ground for ecological transformation—not by making people “better,” but by creating spaces where innate wholeness can naturally unfold.

Steve March, Creator of Aletheia Coaching, Founder & CEO, Aletheia Academy LLC began his career as a software engineer before transitioning into coaching and organizational development. His early work in the tech industry led him to explore ways to bridge the gap between technical and human-centered perspectives, eventually leading to a deep engagement with coaching. He became a certified Integral Coach in 2002 and spent nearly two decades training and mentoring coaches worldwide, including serving as senior faculty at New Ventures West. In 2013, he founded Aletheia Coaching, a paradigm-shifting approach that challenges conventional self-improvement models, focusing instead on the unfoldment paradigm—the idea that transformation arises from innate wholeness rather than fixing deficiencies. Aletheia Coaching has since grown into an international school, training coaches in a methodology recognized as a fourth-generation evolution in the field. Steve’s work integrates insights from neuroscience, leadership development, and embodied presence to help individuals access their innate resourcefulness, creativity, and wisdom. Through the Aletheia Advanced Coaching Program and his writings, he continues to redefine coaching as a process of deepening contact with what is already present, fostering sustainable and holistic transformation.

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Schedule Your Custom Contemplative Walk
to Sep 21

Schedule Your Custom Contemplative Walk

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Custom Contemplative Walk is a guided walk that is just for you alone or for you and your partner, or for your own group of friends and family members, at a time, duration and place of your choice. It’s similar in structure to the Contemplative Walks - seasonal or elemental- that I have led in Portola Valley for the past four years, but this walk is created just for you and the people that you want to invite, with me as your guide. Choose a theme and let me design a special event for you. My contemplative walks typically include a meditation practice in nature, some silent walking, some poetry reading, and reflective time. If there is something else you would like to add for the occasion, let’s talk. I can travel to trails near you, within 75 miles from my home, or I can show you one of my favorite trails.

Interested? Contact me to schedule your walk and get a customized quote.

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We Are The Great Turning Podcast Club
to Oct 10

We Are The Great Turning Podcast Club

Love, Courage, and Connection in the Climate Crisis

Please join me in discussing this series of ten podcast episodes with fellow earth dwellers.

WE ARE THE GREAT TURNING podcast welcomes us to the kitchen table of the legendary eco-spiritual teacher Joanna Macy. We dive into what it takes to live with our hearts and integrity intact in this time of global crisis. We are guided into these conversations by Jess Serrante, a longtime activist, and student of Joanna’s (also a Climate Coaching Alliance member and colleague of mine at CCA-USA). Together, we’ll discover abiding wisdom that can help us stay joyful and energized as we work toward a more just and life-sustaining world. 

To engage deeply with the topic the podcast club is limited to 15 participants. If interested, please sign-up early to reserve your spot. There is no cost to participating. We will meet on Thursdays from 4;30pm for up to 75 minutes for 10 consecutive weeks, from August 8 to October 10, via Zoom.
Please watch the podcast prior to joining the discussion.

Discussion Dates:

Aug 8- Ep 1: Love and Loss

Aug 15- Ep 2: The Three Stories of Our Time

Aug 22- Ep 3: We Begin with Gratitude

Aug 29- Ep 4: There Is No Future if We Go Numb

Sept 6 Ep 5: This Pain Is Not for Nothing

Sept 13- Ep 6: The H-Word

Sept 20- Ep 7: We Are a Part of a River of Time

Sept 27- Ep 8: Eros and Thanatos

Oct 3- Ep 9: Live the Questions Now

Oct 10- Ep 10: We Are the Great Turning

You can subscribe to the Podcast on Spotify, Apple, YouTube and others. Entire list and more information on this page.

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A Workshop with Circle for future: "What does it mean to be an Engaged, Fit-for-the-21st-Century, Transformational  Coach?"
8:00 AM08:00

A Workshop with Circle for future: "What does it mean to be an Engaged, Fit-for-the-21st-Century, Transformational Coach?"


We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein

We are living through a once-in-a-civilization moment marked by multiple coinciding crises. This moment requires of us that we change our worldview from a mechanistic, extractive, nature domineering worldview to a living systems worldview. This transformation must start with an inner shift of consciousness that can then be enacted into the world, for the benefit of all life on Earth. Every one has a role to play in this civilizational opportunity of transformation, but as coaches, and therefore as ontological re-designers, we have a particularly important and ethical responsibility in this transformation.

To undergo this transformation for ourselves and for our clients, we need a container for both inner and outer shifts:

  • inner relates to how we view and relate to ourselves,

  • outer relates to how we act in the world and relate to others.

Both are necessary and support each other.

The peer circles offered by Circle for future, a social entreprise based in France, provide the container for these consciousness shifts.

They are circles for personal shift and systemic action.

Each circle is made of a small number of participants and is facilitated by coaches who have undergone certification with Circle for future. These circles can be circles of executives, entrepreneurs, managers, or coaches who share a strong desire to be and act as ethical change makers. Each circle is a long-time developmental journey, with regular online meetings punctuated by in-person retreats, plus, for coaches who are committed to facilitating future circles of transformation, the opportunity to engage in additional modules of learning

to learn more about Circle for Future and
our SOON-TO-OPEN First circle of coaches in the usa,
I invite you to a virtual workshop on
Wednesday May 31 from 8 to 11am PT.

Registration is free and required on Zoom with link below.
If you are unable to attend, please register to receive a recording of the event.

To change the world is to change human beings.
To change human beings is to change the world.
— Antoine Baron- Circle for future

Is this workshop for me?

This experience is a good fit for you if this list ticks a number of boxes:

  • You are an experienced coach

  • You are starting to question the type of impact your coaching is having on the world

  • You have a sense that deep transformation of ourselves is required to transform our world

  • You are a change maker wanting to bring about positive change in your sphere(s) of influence

  • You are curious to explore group-based collective transformational work

  • You are interested in connecting with coaches leading change around the world

what should i expect from this experience?

In this workshop, you will:

  • Obtain an understanding of what Circle for future is and how its circles of actors for ethical change are crafted

  • Experience a framework conducive to in-depth exchanges between circle’s participants

  • Get a taste of what joining a circle led by Circle for future could be like

  • Hear from current or past circles’ participants and have your questions answered

The workshop will be led by a team from the Circle for future including Antoine Baron, the founder, with the participation of current members of a circle for coaches.

“As one changes their own nature,
so does the attitude of the world change toward them”.
— Gandhi
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Elemental Contemplative Walk for Women in Portola Valley
9:00 AM09:00

Elemental Contemplative Walk for Women in Portola Valley

Join me for an elemental contemplative walk in a beautiful landscape to sense into your connection with the Earth! On this walk we’ll concentrate on our connection with the Earth Element.

We will walk trails traversing an area with diverse ecosystems including forest, chaparral, dry creeks and may be ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four elements. As we sit and walk, we will explore the elements of fire, water, earth, and air. You will experience how indivisibly intertwined we are with the natural world around us. The walk will be conducted in silence.

This half-day event will also include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world and the interconnectedness of all beings. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and the natural world.

This event is open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them. No prior meditation experience required.
To ensure the safety of all participants, we request that you be vaccinated to participate in this event.

Any questions, please contact me.

Date: Sunday December 4
Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Level of Difficulty:
Group Size: 3 to 12
Location: Portola Valley or Woodside
Cost: sliding scale (suggested participation of $10 to $40). No one will be turned away for lack of funds as I offer these is in the spirit of the gift economy.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 2 days before the walk.

Register here for the event.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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ALL WE CAN SAVE for Coaches
to Dec 15

ALL WE CAN SAVE for Coaches

As coaches we need to be able to navigate the challenging times we are in, and help our clients do the same. One of the challenges we face today is the human caused climate breakdown.

So, if you are wanting to get a better grasp of the crisis, if you are desiring to bring more awareness to the issue into your coaching conversations with clients, or if you are hungry for deeper dialogue and want to build community around the climate crisis with other coaches, we want to invite you to sign up to participate in this All We Can Save circle for coaches and by coaches.

This circle is hosted by ICF coaches, Cristina Custodio and Anne-Marie Brest.

Cristina Custodio is an experienced social change coach. She is based in Puerto Rico. Anne-Marie Brest brings her background as a climate engagement coach and is based in California.
We both bring our previous successful experiences of leading All We Can Save circles and our dedication to making this world a better place for future generations through coaching.

The book All We Can Save- Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilson, is an anthology of provocative and illuminating essays from women at the forefront of the climate movement.

The circle is a little like a book club, but instead of meeting once after having read the entire book, we’ll meet weekly for 10 weeks discussing one chapter at a time. The circle will be held via Zoom on Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:40pm PT/ 7:30pm to 8:40pm ET.

Read more about circles on the All We Can Save website.

To engage deeply with the topic the circle is limited to 15 participants. If interested, please sign-up early to reserve your spot. There is no cost to participating.

To order your copy of the book, click here.


Oct 6- Week 1: Begin

Oct 13- Week 2: Root

Oct 20- Week 3: Advocate

Oct 27- Week 4: Reframe

Nov 3- Week 5: Restore

Nov 10- Week 6: Resist

Nov 17- Week 7: Feel

Dec 1- Week 8: Nourish

Dec 8- Week 9: Rise

Dec 15- Week 10: Onward

If you have any questions, please email Anne-Marie.

Let’s strengthen the “we” in All We Can Save.

Anne-Marie & Cristina

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to Nov 14


Are you hungry for deeper dialogue and building community around the climate crisis? Sign up to participate in a All We Can Save circle led by friends.

The book All We Can Save- Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilson, is an anthology of provocative and illuminating essays from women at the forefront of the climate movement.

The circle is a little like a book club, but instead of meeting once after having read the entire book, you’ll meet weekly for 10 weeks discussing one chapter at a time. The circle will be held via Zoom on Mondays from 4:00pm to 5:30pm PT.

Read more about circles on the All We Can Save website.

To engage deeply with the topic the circle is limited to 10 participants. If interested, please sign-up early to reserve your spot. There is no cost to participating.

To order your copy of the book, click here.


Sept 12- Week 1: Begin

Sept 19- Week 2: Root

Sept 26- Week 3: Advocate

Oct 3- Week 4: Reframe

Oct 10- Week 5: Restore

Oct 17- Week 6: Resist

Oct 24- Week 7: Feel

Oct 31- Week 8: Nourish

Nov 7- Week 9: Rise

Nov 14- Week 10: Onward

Let’s strengthen the “we” in All We Can Save.

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Elemental Contemplative Walk for Women in Portola Valley
8:30 AM08:30

Elemental Contemplative Walk for Women in Portola Valley

Join me for an elemental contemplative walk in a beautiful landscape to sense into your connection with the Earth! On this walk we’ll concentrate on our connection with the Fire Element, inner and outer.

We will walk trails traversing an area with diverse ecosystems including forest, chaparral, dry creeks and may be ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four elements. As we sit and walk, we will explore the elements of fire, water, earth, and air. You will experience how indivisibly intertwined we are with the natural world around us. The walk will be conducted in silence.

This half-day event will also include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world and the interconnectedness of all beings. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and the natural world.

This event is open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them. No prior meditation experience required.
To ensure the safety of all participants, we request that you be vaccinated to participate in this event.

Any questions, please contact me.

Date: Saturday August 27
Time: 8:30am to 2:30pm
Level of Difficulty:
Group Size: 3 to 12
Location: Portola Valley or Woodside
Cost: sliding scale (suggested participation of $10 to $40). No one will be turned away for lack of funds as I offer these is in the spirit of the gift economy.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 2 days before the walk.

Register here for the event.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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Elemental Contemplative Walk for Women in Portola Valley
9:00 AM09:00

Elemental Contemplative Walk for Women in Portola Valley

The winds of grace
are always blowing
but it is you
that must raise your sails.
— Rabindranath Tagore

Join me for an elemental contemplative walk in a beautiful landscape to sense into your connection with the Earth! On this walk we’ll concentrate on our connection with the Air Element and how it connects us to all beings on this planet.

We will walk trails traversing an area with diverse ecosystems including forest, chaparral, streams and may be ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four elements. As we sit and walk, we will explore the elements of fire, water, earth, and air. You will experience how indivisibly intertwined we are with the natural world around us. The walk will be conducted in silence.

This half-day event will also include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world and the interconnectedness of all beings. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and the natural world, ready to fully be in the flow of your life.

This event is open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them. No prior meditation experience required.
To ensure the safety of all participants, we request that you be vaccinated to participate in this event.

Any questions, please contact me.

Date: May 22
Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Level of Difficulty:
Group Size: 3 to 12
Location: Portola Valley or Woodside
Cost: sliding scale (suggested participation of $10 to $40). No one will be turned away for lack of funds as I offer these is in the spirit of the gift economy.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 2 days before the walk.

Register here for the event.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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Climate Coaching Alliance Festival Event- Waking Up to the Climate Crisis Through Poetry
12:00 PM12:00

Climate Coaching Alliance Festival Event- Waking Up to the Climate Crisis Through Poetry

Recording and resources for this event can be found with this link.

This is an online workshop part of the Climate Coaching Alliance Festival: “Coaching for the Great Awakening”

Like meditation, poetry has long been a vehicle for creating greater presence and connection to ourselves, others and the world. In this online workshop, you will explore with others your relationship to the climate crisis through a series of poems that will evoke the myriad of feelings that the topic brings up: lack of understanding, anxiety, helplessness, grief, guilt, ambivalence as well as aspiration, hope, a sense of emerging possibilities, renewal, and may be, a new commitment to engagement. Join us to experience how you can use poetry to reflect deeply on this important topic of our time, and take a first step towards acting for the Earth. Be prepared to read the texts aloud to the group or in break-out sessions, reflect individually and share authentically and courageously.

Length: 1 hour 1/2

Media: Zoom

Number of participants: 14 maximum

Cost: Free

Materials/Setting: Paper and pen in a quiet, reflective space

Date: Monday March from 12pm-11:30apm PT

Registration is through the Climate Coaching Alliance

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Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley

Not all who wander are lost
— Tolkien

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 28
Spring- May 23
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 21

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested participation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds as I offer these is in the spirit of the gift economy and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
— John Muir

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 28
Spring- May 23
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 21

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested participation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds as I offer these is in the spirit of the gift economy and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley

Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.
— Terry Tempest Williams

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 28
Spring- May 23
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 21

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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ACTIVE HOPE Book Journey
to Jun 10

ACTIVE HOPE Book Journey

In 2012, Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone wrote Active Hope - How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy. Drawing on decades of teaching the empowerment approach called The Work That Reconnects, the authors guide readers through a transformational process that equips us to face the mess we are in and to play our role in the collective transition to a life-sustaining journey.

What is Active Hope? Hear it directly from Joanna Macy in this video.

The book journey is a little like a book club, but instead of meeting once after having read the entire book, we’ll meet weekly for 6 weeks via Zoom on Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:45pm PT.

The book journey has three main elements:

1) Reading Active Hope together

2) The weekly Zoom meeting, where we discuss the book and engage in exercises from it

3) (Optional) A partnered homework process between each meeting

We will meet weekly for 6 weeks for 75 minutes.


May 6- Session 1 - Introduction plus Chapters 1 & 2

May 13- Session 2 - Chapter 3 on Coming from Gratitude

May 20- Session 3 - Chapter 4 on Honoring our Pain for the World

May 27- Session 4 - Chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8 on Seeing With New Eyes

June 3- Session 5 - Chapters 9 & 10, Going Forth pt 1

June 10- Session 6 - Chapters 11, 12 & 13 on Going Forth pt 2

Read more about book groups on the Active Hope website.

To engage deeply with the topic the book journey is limited to 10 participants. If interested, please sign-up early to reserve your spot. There is no cost to participating.

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Waking Up to the Climate Crisis Through Poetry
10:00 AM10:00

Waking Up to the Climate Crisis Through Poetry

This is an online workshop to celebrate Earth Day and Poetry Month in collaboration with Monterey Bay Meditation Studio.

Like meditation, poetry has long been a vehicle for creating greater presence and connection to ourselves, others and the world. In this online workshop, you will explore with others your relationship to the climate crisis through a series of poems that will evoke the myriad of feelings that the topic brings up: lack of understanding, anxiety, helplessness, grief, guilt, ambivalence as well as aspiration, hope, a sense of emerging possibilities, renewal, and may be, a new commitment to engagement. Join us to experience how you can use poetry to reflect deeply on this important topic of our time, and take a first step towards acting for the Earth. Be prepared to read the texts aloud to the group or in break-out sessions, reflect individually and share authentically and courageously.

Length: 1 hour 1/2

Media: Zoom

Number of participants: 3 minimum- 15 maximum

Materials/Setting: Paper and pen in a quiet, reflective space

Cost: $40

Date: Saturday April 24 from 10am-11:30am

Registration is through the Monterey Bay Meditation Studio (until April 23 at noon)

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Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women in Portola Valley

It’s quite possible to leave your home for a walk in the early morning air and return a different person – beguiled, enchanted
— Mary Chase

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 28
Spring- May 23
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 21

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested contribution of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Registration: Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to being with you on the the trails!

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to Mar 25


This circle is closed. Please register for the newsletter on the homepage if you are interested in joining a future circle.

Are you hungry for deeper dialogue and building community around the climate crisis? I am too. That’s why I have signed up to lead a ALL WE CAN SAVE circle, starting in January.

The book All We Can Save- Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilson, is an anthology of provocative and illuminating essays from women at the forefront of the climate movement.

The circle is a little like a book club, but instead of meeting once after having read the entire book, we’ll meet weekly for 10 weeks discussing one chapter at a time. The circle will be held via Zoom on Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm PT.

Read more about circles on the All We Can Save website.

To engage deeply with the topic the circle is limited to 8 participants. If interested, please sign-up early to reserve your spot. There is no cost to participating.

To order your copy of the book, click here.


Jan 21- Week 1: Begin

Jan 28- Week 2: Root

Feb 04- Week 3: Advocate

Feb 11- Week 4: Reframe

Feb 18- Week 5: Restore

Feb 25- Week 6: Resist

Mar 04- Week 7: Feel

Mar 11- Week 8: Nourish

Mar 18- Week 9: Rise

Mar 25- Week 10: Onward

Let’s strengthen the “we” in All We Can Save.

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Schedule Your Individual Mindful Walk
to May 25

Schedule Your Individual Mindful Walk

The Individual Mindful Walk is a guided walk that is just for you, at a time, duration and place of your choice. It’s similar in structure to the Seasonal Contemplative Walk but the walk is just for you, with me, as your guide. The session includes a meditation practice in nature, silent walking, poetry reading and some reflective time alone. I can travel to trails near you, within 75 miles from my home, or I can show you one of my favorite trails. Of course, we will be following the COVID-19 protocols in place at the time of our walk. Interested? Contact me to schedule your walk and get a customized quote.

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CANCELLED- Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women- in Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA
9:00 AM09:00

CANCELLED- Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women- in Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA

Not all who wander are lost
— Tolkien

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, redwoods, seasonal streams and ponds: an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. With a distance of about 7 miles and about a 1,000 feet of ascent (and descent), this walk can be arduous at times. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and a notebook if you like to journal. Hiking poles are recommended for additional support on steep slopes.

Any questions, please contact me.

Spring- April 4
Summer- June 13
Fall- October 3
Winter- December 5

Level of Difficulty: Moderate to Challenging
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Registration: Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing with you on the the trails!

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CANCELLED- Seasonal (Wise Women) Walks- Daylong Walking Retreats in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

CANCELLED- Seasonal (Wise Women) Walks- Daylong Walking Retreats in Portola Valley

Not all who wander are lost
— Tolkien

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 15
Spring- May 9
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 7

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing with you on the the trails!

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CANCELLED- Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women- in Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA
8:30 AM08:30

CANCELLED- Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women- in Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
— John Muir

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, redwoods, seasonal streams and ponds: an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. With a distance of about 7 miles and about a 1,000 feet of ascent (and descent), this walk can be arduous at times. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and a notebook if you like to journal. Hiking poles are recommended for additional support on steep slopes.

Any questions, please contact me.

Spring- April 4
Summer- June 13
Fall- October 3
Winter- December 5

Level of Difficulty: Moderate to Challenging
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Registration: Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing with you on the the trails!

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CANCELLED- Seasonal (Wise Women) Walks- Daylong Walking Retreats in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

CANCELLED- Seasonal (Wise Women) Walks- Daylong Walking Retreats in Portola Valley

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
— John Muir

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 15
Spring- May 9
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 7

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing with you on the the trails!

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CANCELLED- Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women- in Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA
8:30 AM08:30

CANCELLED- Seasonal Contemplative Walks for Women- in Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA

Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.
— Terry Tempest Williams

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, redwoods, seasonal streams and ponds: an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. With a distance of about 7 miles and about a 1,000 feet of ascent (and descent), this walk can be arduous at times. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and a notebook if you like to journal. Hiking poles are recommended for additional support on steep slopes.

Any questions, please contact me.

Spring- April 4
Summer- June 13
Fall- October 3
Winter- December 5

Level of Difficulty: Moderate to Challenging
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Garland Ranch Regional Park, Carmel Valley, CA
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Registration: Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing with you on the the trails!

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CANCELLED- Seasonal (Wise Women) Walks- Daylong Walking Retreats in Portola Valley
9:30 AM09:30

CANCELLED- Seasonal (Wise Women) Walks- Daylong Walking Retreats in Portola Valley

Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.
— Terry Tempest Williams

Join me for a series of four seasonal contemplative walks in a beautiful landscape!

We will walk the same trails each season in an area with diverse environments including forest, chaparral, streams and ponds. With a distance of about 6 miles, it’s a walk of moderate difficulty with some elevation - an evocative path for a journey through the four seasons. Walking the same route each season, often completely in silence, supports self-reflection, witnessing and observation. On this walk, you will experience what it is to be on a pilgrimage and to allow nature to touch you in a deep way.

In addition to walking in silence, the walk may include a guided meditation, a contemplative nature practice, the reading of poetry and sharing circles.

Be a pilgrim for a day: leave your phone behind and be ready to slow down, to fully engage your senses and to be amazed by the beauty that exists in the natural world. Come home refreshed and reconnected to yourself, others and nature, ready to fully engage your whole self to life.

These walks are open to self-identified women of all ages and backgrounds. The only requirement is that you are able to walk the distance and stay with the group. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and hiking poles if you need them.

Any questions, please contact me.

Winter- February 15
Spring- May 9
Summer- August 22
Fall- November 7

Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Group Size: 6 to 12
Location: Portola Valley
Cost: sliding scale (suggested donation of $10 to $35 per walk). No one will be turned away for lack of funds. It is in the spirit of generosity that I embrace the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of dana and provide these events freely to all who are interested.

Cancellation: No refunds for cancellations made 7 days before the walk.

Register here for all four or any of the events.

Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing with you on the the trails!

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