
Silence by Hafez

A day of Silence 

Can be a pilgrimage in itself. 

A day of Silence 

Can help you listen 

To the Soul play 

its marvelous lute and drum.

Is not most talking 

A crazed defense of a crumbling fort? 

I thought we came here 

To surrender in Silence, 

To yield to Light and Happiness, 

To Dance within

In celebration of Love's Victory! 

What Good is a Book of Poems? by Hafez

What good is a book of poems if you are
reading it while riding

in the back of a wagon that is heading toward
the edge of a cliff?

A greater awareness is what our relationship
is supposed to be about.

I was hoping something I might have said by
now could have made you stop, get your bearings,

and start traveling in a direction that will yield
lots of fruit. May be you are? That would be nice.

A Year with Hafiz- Daily Contemplations - Daniel Landinsky

An Apple Tree Was Concerned- A Poem by Hafez

An apple tree was concerned 

about a late frost and losing its gifts 

that would help feed a poor family close by. 

Can't the clouds be generous with what falls from them? 

Can't the sun ration itself with precision? 

They can speak, trees, 

they can say the sweetest things

but it takes special ears to hear them,

ears that have listened to people

with great care.