The Age of Not Knowing by Maira Kalman

What era are we in?

The era of not knowing.

In that there is so much to know,
the only recourse is not to know.
Or, we are incapable of knowing what we need to know.

Which, like everything, can have a good side and a bad side.

The bad is that we don’t know what will happen.
And the anxiety this provokes is vast and constant.
What new terror lurks?

The good is that we don’t know what will happen 
and it could be a pleasant surprise.
The other good is that we can decide what we need 
to have happen in the moment. And take action.
Go down the stairs and go outside.
Go up the stairs and into the room.

We don’t know the outcome of doing something.
Again, it is impossible to know. 
But the life must be lived and the chances must be taken.

And perhaps it won’t be all bad.

 You never know.